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A Well Equipped Man Comes in Handy

January 19, 2012

I absolutely hate calling my hubby at work and telling him I got stuck!  Or having my kid backseat driving!  But alas, stuff happens 😉  My girlfriend and I joke that we are a different kind of high maintenance woman…she has a barn full of horses, and I have a pasture full of cows.  Oh well, the driveway needed plowing anyway.  And I don’t get too much grief, because after almost 30 years we both have many memories of bailing each other out of predicaments.

The snow was only up to the label on my Muck boots, but it was wet and slick.  I just had to sneak over the hill a tad and the rest was history.  I was committed.  Luckily I know when to quit trying…

Of course, the cows have to come and watch too, and smirk.

We really lucked out, we topped out at 20″ of snow and by 3 am Wednesday it started to rain, no Columbia Gorge ice, it is forming east and north of here.  We are just getting rain, and our 20″ of snow is now about 3″ of slush.  All that rain combined with snow melt mean trouble downstream from us.  Our power was only out for a day and half and we consider a few broken fruit trees and one mildly stuck pickup pretty good for a storm system this size.  Others have not been so fortunate.

19 Comments leave one →
  1. Chris permalink
    January 19, 2012 3:56 pm

    I had to laugh at your title of this post!! Was it going to be x-rated?? :))

  2. January 19, 2012 4:37 pm

    I’ve had to call my hubby, too.

    Too bad you couldn’t have roped some of those cows into pulling you out. 😉

    Happy Friday to you all! 🙂

  3. jenj permalink
    January 19, 2012 5:44 pm

    Goodness, I can’t even fathom 20 inches of snow. It’s 80 here today, which is insanely warm, even for us. And despite all the havoc I know that snow is causing, it’s absolutely beautiful!

  4. January 19, 2012 6:21 pm

    You live in snow country, sooner or later you’re going to get stuck; it just goes with the territory. In our area the snow is nearly always of the wet variety, so it’s slushy, and since we live on a north-facing slope, it quickly turns to ice in the shady spots. Nothing like a toboggan ride down the hill!

  5. January 19, 2012 11:08 pm

    Oh I really feel for you, we have had quite a bit of snow followed by rain this winter here in Latvia, but nothing like that amount. Thankfully we now into proper winter with proper temperatures and it is much easier to get around in. Having said I did wonder if I would need digging out of a snow drift yesterday as the powder was flying about a bit in the breeze.

  6. January 20, 2012 12:40 am

    Love looking at your winter pics from here in the Southern hemisphere. Spent this evening on the beach with the kids who played for ages in the water!

  7. January 20, 2012 2:53 am

    My cows would find all that pretty entertaining now too… they like to watch people work.

    I feel like after working on this farm for three years I’m trained for a job working for an emergency road crew we’ve gotten stuck so often around here. Our ground just has not frozen so we have deep mud covered with snow so you can’t see what is where.

    It’s nice to have a good home team …..

  8. January 20, 2012 9:17 am

    You know it’s been a bad storm when you husband gets his truck stuck in the back field and then you get your truck stuck trying to pull him out! We ended up both getting pulled out by the neighbor and his tractor (after he moved a snowbank or two…).

  9. Dawn permalink
    January 20, 2012 11:26 am

    Glad your hubby was available to come and dig you out. And there’s a murphy’s law about having an audience in these situations. I once wrapped myself and my tractor in barbed wire by snagging a fencepost with a trailer wheel – I was unhurt, but the cows were definitely fascinated… I’ve seen some pictures from the Corvallis area on another blog (Afton Field Farm), they’re having a pretty wet time of it down there, must be horrendous for those with livestock, poultry etc. Good time to live up on a mountain.

  10. January 20, 2012 3:46 pm

    Yep, what a good guy! Over here is a complete disaster, there are literally branches down everywhere you look and people are out of power (and not prepared to heat without power). We’ve had freezing rain all day and it looks like it will be falling all night… No harvesting veggies for a while.

    • January 20, 2012 4:43 pm

      Ben, it’s freezing rain west of here near the river, we went to town and were shocked, since weather reports said Cascade Locks was the limit. The roads are narrow, being full of tree limbs and we finally got our power fixed. We were on 110, and PGE kept telling us it was on our side. Funny how the power bill is never less, no matter how long we are without power.

      Just dumped the rain gauge again – 6.6, bringing the total for the last several days to 11 inches not counting all the snow melt.

      Stay warm!

      • January 21, 2012 8:10 am

        That’s some serious precipitation! Things are starting to thaw now, I’ve heard that a lot of folks are still 2-3 days away from power though. The power companies are having to bring trucks and personnel from all over the state to help; the gorge is never a boring place…

  11. akaangrywhiteman permalink
    January 21, 2012 3:37 am

    Smirking cows, the epitome of smugness, the horrors of hayseedery. They’re pretty smug right up till culling time, then watch them change their tune.

    We’re getting a pounding down here too, luckily I haven’t had the snow issues you have.

  12. January 21, 2012 1:12 pm

    This is why I will never go beyond chickens…

  13. January 22, 2012 2:25 pm

    We’re north of you, in Southwest Washington, and not loving Day 4 of no power. We’ve heard it may be Wednesday before power is restored to our part of South Thurston County. I really hope that isn’t true. It’s made me realize I *would* rather have a wood stove than two pellet stoves after all (even though our functioning, free-standing pellet stove is doing a fine job of keeping our house warm – thanks to the generator). I’d love to be able to keep a pot of hot soup or stew going, a pot of coffee or tea water, and not have to worry about how much gasoline we’re using with the generator. Realizing that the rest of Thurston Co. was without power – and therefore gas – was actually scary, and seeing some of the stations in Lewis County to the south starting to run out was scarier yet. It’s time for a much better emergency plan for our little farm!

  14. January 23, 2012 5:59 am

    Wow…I can’t believe all that snow! I would NOT liked to be trapped out in the middle of that pretty, yet dangerous stuff. Glad you have a buddy who knows how to get you out of a pickle!

    And any woman who loves to drive heavy equipment is awesome in my book!


  15. January 23, 2012 8:53 pm

    Laughing at the “high maintenance” . When DH built the new buck barn this month he made the two feeders easy to move. Why? DH said “because after 27 years with goats I know that you will change your mind at least twice as to where they need to be”. Well I never!

  16. Janet permalink
    February 4, 2012 3:21 pm

    Yes, yes he does! 😉

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